Posts Tagged ‘Now Playing’

Currently Playing – 3/1/2011

Here’s a rundown of what’s filling up my disc drives
currently. Dead Rising 2 Xbox

Co-op, first off, I’ll have to say
this, Dead Rising 1 was rubbish, the save points were horribly
inconvenient, the bosses were too tough, the game forces you to
grind and the stereotypes! Well Dead Rising 2 didn’t really deal
with these problems and added multiplayer! The bosses are still
fucking annoying and will destroy your soul, the savepoints are not
as badly placed as before, but still annoying in co-op, it’ll throw
your buddy out and then get shirty if I want to re-add him! I’m
slowly grinding along, getting some enjoyment from the combo
weapons, the story seems to be utter tripe again and the lengthy
load screens become quite tedious.

Super Meat Boy – XBLA, I
FUCKING LOVE SUPER MEAT BOY! There I said it, it’s out of my system
now, when I first saw all the hype for this the first thing that
came to mind was, “oh dear, another N+ clone,” but alas this is so
much better, the story is charming, the platforming is innovative
yet frustrating, it’s the kind of game where you will eventually
break a controller at some point, but it’s so satisfying when you
do complete that level finally or get in the top 100 on the
leaderboards! :p Game
Dev Story
Theme hospital meets the game development industry, I find myself
losing several hours at a time to this, and loving every moment,
from getting the perfect score for a convenience store game I
called Clerks 2, to having well over $250million in capital.
Micromanaging a company has never been so rewarding.