Currently Playing

I am currently switching through a few games at the moment, all of which I have taken a liking to.

Downloadable Content
Left for Dead 2 – Xbox 360 – Been playing this on co-op for a few days now, when you get the right team this can be brilliant, but that never happens! Everyone knows a gamer in their friends list who just storms right ahead assuming they can handle themselves, and 10 seconds later wonders why we don’t save him from the tank! (Yes I am talking about you Pete!)

The Saboteur – I was put off buying this at launch due to the hit and miss reviews, I believe EDGE gave this a 5 (out of 10) I hope that reviewer was thrown from the tower of London. I’m not going to declare that it’s some kind of masterpiece that is worthy of the highest awards and recognition, but it’s not too bad at all. The jist of the game is, you’re an Irish boyracer, in Nazi occupied France, who has been handed a pretty outrageous task of pretty much overthrowing the Third Reich single-handedly. The game itself borrows heavily on ideas from Grand Theft Auto, Assassins Creed and Red Faction, but is that really a bad thing? I would recommend checking it out if you are a fan of either game mentioned, especially now since it’s hitting about £15 online now!

I’m also playing Angry Birds on the iPhone, the gameplay to this is simple enough, just fling birds into wobbly structures to try to destroy the pigs, and as you progress you unlock different birds that launch in different ways, it’s pretty good in small bursts, although it can get stupidly frustrating at times!

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